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Other mental health

Sleep, mood, and OCD

Sleep Impairment (Insomnia)

Sleep disorders are conditions that disrupt the quality, timing, and amount of sleep necessary for daily well-being and functioning. People with sleep disorders might find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or may wake up too early and not be able to fall back asleep, leading to stress and impairment. These disorders can be caused by other medical or mental health conditions, significantly affecting a person's mood, energy levels, and overall health.​


​​Mild Mood Disorders​

​Mood disorders are a group of mental health conditions that primarily affect a person's emotional state. These disorders can cause significant mood swings that impact daily functioning and can range from extreme happiness or energy to deep sadness or hopelessness.


  • ​Disruptive emotions and mood disturbance symptoms are commonly seen in adolescent years. Oftentimes, this behavior progresses into adulthood which may impact personal relationships and quality of life (National Institute of Mental Health, 2023).

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder​

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a condition where people experience unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, or urges and engage in obsessive behaviors in response. These compulsions are attempts to ease the stress and anxiety caused by the obsessions, but often end up controlling the person's life.


  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects 2.5 million adults or 1.2% of the U.S. population (National Institute of Mental Health, 2023). Risk factors include genetics, childhood trauma, and biological factors playing a role in this development.

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